February 3, 2021 |
12:00pm |
Liana Chua (Brunel University London), "Thinking with Spirits, Dams and Orangutans" (Council on Southeast Asia Studies) |
12:15pm |
Karen Bradshaw (Arizona State University), "Book talk—Wildlife as Property Owners: A New Conception of Animal Rights" (Law, Ethics & Animals Program) |
February 4, 2021 |
11:30am |
David Ganz (RECOFTC), "Community Forestry: Foundations and practice for improving lives and landscapes" (Yale Forest Forum) |
February 5, 2021 |
11:00am |
Elizabeth Hoover (University of California, Berkeley), "‘Our Living Relatives:’ Seed Rematriation and the Native American Food Sovereignty Movement" (Yale Agrarian Studies) |
12:00pm |
Travis Zadeh (Yale University), "Gestures of Perplexity in Persian Compendiums of Wonder and Rarity" (Iran Colloquium) |
1:00pm |
"Human Nature: Planet Earth in Our Time - How photography can lead to environmental engagement" Panel (Yale Center for Environmental Communication) |
February 8, 2021 |
10:30am |
Alberto Cairo (University of Miami), "Visualization for Communication: Design for Non-Designers with Alberto Cairo" (Yale School of the Environment) |
February 9, 2021 |
9:30am |
"Equitable Vaccine Distribution: Insights on Covid-19 from past public health emergencies" Panel (Yale Development Dialogues) |
4:00pm |
Melanie Allen (Black Farmer Fund), "The Black Farmer Fund: Building a Resilient Food System Through Community Investment" (Yale Center for Business and the Environment) |
February 10, 2021 |
12:00pm |
CANCELED Derrick Pottle (Artist), "A Life of Living on the Land and Sea" (BIOMES) |
4:00pm |
"Keywords: Sexuality, Extraction, Standing," Yale Environmental Humanities Panel |
February 11, 2021 |
11:30am |
Víctor López (Ford Foundation), "Achievements, Challenges, and Perspectives of Community-Based Forestry in Central America" (Yale Forest Forum) |
5:30pm |
Robin Gray (University of Toronto), ""Repatriating Indigenous Cultural Heritage: A Case of Ts’msyen Songs" (Yale Institute of Sacred Music) |
February 12, 2021 |
11:00am |
Zozan Pehlivan (University of Minnesota), "A Climate of ‘Slow Violence’ in the Late Ottoman Empire" (Yale Agrarian Studies) |
11:30am |
Khadija Sharife (Journalist) & Steven Donziger (Lawyer), "Chevron's “Amazon Chernobyl” Disaster in Ecuador: Lessons from the Frontlines" (Poynter) |
February 15, 2021 |
4:00pm |
Michael Morand (Yale University), "Mondays at Beinecke: Wadsworth's 1748 Map of New Haven" (Beinecke Library) |
February 16, 2021 |
11:00am |
Lindgren Johnson (University of Virginia) and Syl Ko (Author), "Black Veganism: Race, Animals, and Ethics" (Yale Environmental Humanities, LEAP) |
12:00pm |
Rae Gould (Brown University), "The Concept of Collective Stewardship: Considering the Yale Forests" (Yale Forests Reading Group) |
February 17, 2021 |
12:00pm |
James C. Scott (Yale University), "Irrawaddy" (Council on Southeast Asian Studies) |
February 18, 2021 to February 20, 2021 |
8:00am |
"Timelines and Critical Junctures: Re-examining Crises as Opportunities for Change" Conference (International Society of Tropical Foresters) |
8:00pm |
Conference: Re-Examining Crises as Opportunities for Change (YSE, International Society of Tropical Foresters) |
February 18, 2021 |
4:00pm |
Tanya Denise Fields (Black Feminist Project, Mama Tanya's Kitchen), "Growing a Movement in Food and Reproductive Justice" (Pierson College Tea) |
8:00pm |
Film Screening: "The Unseen River / Giòng Sông Không Nhìn Thấy," (Council on Southeast Asia Studies) |
8:00pm |
Phạm Ngọc Lân (Director/filmmaker), “The Unseen River / Giòng Sông Không Nhìn Thấy” - Film Screening followed by Q & A with Director" (Council on Southeast Asian Studies |
February 19, 2021 |
11:00am |
José Carlos de la Puente (Texas State University), "Of Widows, Furrows, and Seed: New Perspectives on Land and the Colonial Andean Commons" (Yale Agrarian Studies) |
February 20, 2021 |
8:00am |
Sunita Narain (Centre for Science and Environment), "The Opportunity and Way Ahead: Reimagining Future of Tropical Forests for Livelihood and Environmental Security in a Climate-risked world" (International Society of Tropical Foresters) |
February 23, 2021 to February 26, 2021 |
5:00pm |
Cultivating A Resilient Food Future (Yale Food Systems Symposium) |
February 24, 2021 |
5:15pm |
Yale Environmental Humanities Hosts Spring 2021 Keywords Panel |
February 25, 2021 |
11:30am |
Bhishma Subedi (ANSAB), "Community Forestry for Conservation, Livelihoods, and Sustainable Development in South Asia" (Yale Forest Forum) |
4:00pm |
Leah Stokes (UC Santa Barbara), "Climate Policy and Politics" (Institution for Social and Policy Studies) |
4:00pm |
Navina Khanna (HEAL Food Alliance), "Building Power for Radical Food System Change with Heal Food Alliance" (Yale Center for Business and the Environment) |
8:00pm |
Andrew Alan Johnson, "Streams of Consciousness: An evening of open-ended converesation about Mekong Dreaming" (Council on Southeast Asia Studies) |
February 26, 2021 |
11:00am |
Susanne Wengle (University of Notre Dame), "Technopolitics and the Human-Nature Nexus in Contemporary Russian Agriculture" (Yale Agrarian Studies) |
1:00pm |
Chakanetsa Mavhunga (MIT), "The Global South Cosmologies & Epistemologies Initiative" |
February 27, 2021 |
1:00pm |
"Firewood, Corn, Weaving: A virtual artistic experience" (Yale School of the Environment) |