Undergraduate Courses Fall 2024


Classes are listed alphabetically according to their first department listing. For the most up-to-date listings, check the Yale Course Search website. ​To add or remove a course from this list, email environmentalhumanities@yale.edu.

Last updated 4/18/24

Please note that this list may change as courses are added.
AFAM 017 (12009)
Black Nature: African American Nature Writing
Jonathan Howard
MW 11:35-12:50pm
Areas HU
What stories do we tell about nature? How are the stories we are able to tell about nature informed by race? And how do these stories shape our understanding of what it means to be human? In contrast to a largely white tradition of nature writing that assumes a superior position outside of Nature, this course undertakes a broad survey of African American nature writing. Over the course of the semester, we read broadly across several genres of African American literature, including: slave narrative, fiction, poetry, drama and memoir. In this way, we center the unique environmental perspectives of those, who, once considered no more than livestock, were the nature over which their white masters ruled. Indeed, as those who were drowned in the ocean during the trans-Atlantic slave trade, forced to cultivate the soil on slave plantations, and hung from trees across the Jim Crow South, black Americans are bound up and entangled in nature in incredibly complex and precarious ways. Perhaps for this very reason, however, we may ultimately come to find in these black nature stories the resources for reclaiming a proper relationship to the Earth, and for imagining a sustainable human life in nature, rather than apart from it. Enrollment limited to first-year students.
AFAM 329 (10766)
Managing Blackness in a “White Space”
Elijah Anderson
M 1:30-3:20pm
Areas SO
White space” is a perceptual category that assumes a particular space to be predominantly white, one where black people are typically unexpected, marginalized when present, and made to feel unwelcome—a space that blacks perceive to be informally “off-limits” to people like them and where on occasion they encounter racialized disrespect and other forms of resistance. This course explores the challenge black people face when managing their lives in this white space.
AFST 368 / EVST 369 / HIST 366J (10376)
Commodities of Colonialism in Africa
Robert Harms
W 1:30pm-3:20pm
Areas HU, WR
This course examines historical case studies of several significant global commodities produced in Africa between 1870 and the 1990s to explore interactions between world market forces and African societies. 
AMST 031 / WGSS 031 (10020)
LGBTQ Spaces and Places
Scott Herring
TTh 11:35am-12:50pm
Areas HU
Overview of LGBTQ cultures and their relation to geography in literature, history, film, visual culture, and ethnography. Discussion topics include the historical emergence of urban communities; their tensions and intersections with rural locales; race, sexuality, gender, and suburbanization; and artistic visions of queer and trans places within the city and without. Emphasis is on the wide variety of U.S. metropolitan environments and regions, including New York City, Los Angeles, Miami, the Deep South, Appalachia, New England, and the Pacific Northwest. Enrollment limited to first-year students. Preregistration required; see under First-Year Seminar Program.
AMST 117 / HSAR 217 (11693)
American Art to 1900
Jennifer Raab
TTh 11:35am-12:25pm
Areas HU
This course offers a survey of American art from European colonization of the continent to the establishment of a US overseas empire circa 1900. Through paintings, sculpture, prints, drawings, photographs, and material culture, we consider the role of the visual arts in settler colonialism and nation building, in the invention of race and enforcement of its categories, and in the construction of citizenship. Throughout the term we think about how American art is shaped within wider Atlantic, Pacific, and Caribbean worlds. We look at plantation and “frontier” landscapes, the art of natural history, the cult of presidential images, the emergence of photojournalism, the creation of the modern museum, and the politics of public monuments. The aim of this course is three-fold: to acquire a foundational understanding of the art and visual culture of the United States, to situate the visual in the context of a historical and cultural framework, and to learn how to think and write about objects. 
AMST 439 / ER&M 439 (10022)
Fruits of Empire
Gary Okihiro
W 1:30pm-3:20pm
Areas HU, SO
Readings, discussions, and research on imperialism and “green gold” and their consequences for the imperial powers and their colonies and neo-colonies. Spatially conceived as a world-system that enmeshes the planet and as earth’s latitudes that divide the temperate from the tropical zones, imperialism as discourse and material relations is this seminar’s focus together with its implantations—an empire of plants. Vast plantations of sugar, cotton, tea, coffee, bananas, and pineapples occupy land cultivated by native and migrant workers, and their fruits move from the tropical to the temperate zones, impoverishing the periphery while profiting the core. Fruits of Empire, thus, implicates power and the social formation of race, gender, sexuality, class, and nation.
ANTH 215 / ARCG 215 (10859)
Archaeology of China
Anne Underhill
MW 9am-10:15am
Areas SO
Archaeology of China, one of the world’s oldest and most enduring civilizations, from the era of early humans to early empires. Methods of interpreting remains from prehistoric and historic period sites.
ANTH 229 / HSHM 254 (10919)
The Anthropology of Outer Space
Lisa Messeri
TTh 2:30-3:20pm
Areas SO
Examination of the extraterrestrial through consideration of ideas in anthropology and aligned disciplines. Students discuss, write, and think about outer space as anthropologists and find the value of exploring this topic scientifically, socially, and philosophically.
ANTH 232 / ARCG 232 / LAST 232 (11039)
Ancient Civilizations of the Andes
Richard Burger
Day/Time TBA
Areas SO
Survey of the archaeological cultures of Peru and Bolivia from the earliest settlement through the late Inca state.
ANTH 264 / ARCG 264 / SPAN 404 (10050)
Aztec Archaeology and Ethnohistory
Oswaldo Chinchilla Mazariegos
TTh 9am-10:15am
Areas SO
An anthropological and ethnohistorical examination of the Aztec civilization that dominated much of Mexico from the fourteenth century until the Spanish Conquest of 1521.
ANTH 385 / ARCG 385 / ANTH 785 / ARCG 785 (108065)
Archaeological Ceramics
Anne Underhill
Th 1:30pm-3:20pm
Areas SO
Archaeological methods for analyzing and interpreting ceramics, arguably the most common type of object found in ancient sites. Focus on what different aspects of ceramic vessels reveal about the people who made them and used them.
ANTH 409 / EVST 422 / ER&M 394 / F&ES 422 / GLBL 394 (12536)
Climate and Society: Perspectives from the Social Sciences and Humanities
Michael Dove
Th 1:30pm-3:20pm
Areas SO, WR
Discussion of the major currents of thought regarding climate and climate change; focusing on equity, collapse, folk knowledge, historic and contemporary visions, western and non-western perspectives, drawing on the social sciences and humanities.
ENGL 115 (12305)
The Aesthetics of Exhaustion
Jessikah Díaz
TTh 11:35-12:50pm
Areas HU, WR
The concept of exhaustion refers to the use of natural resources and its material impact on people and environments. This course routes exhaustion through the long eighteenth-century, when transatlantic projects of empire and industrialization restructured energy usage in ways that define our lives today. Together, we’ll examine these colonial economies through a poem about growing sugar and an engraving of Mining Towns in Mexico. We’ll learn from the poet Anna Letitia Barbauld and the painter Joseph Wright about scientific experiments in oxygen, before imagining the more mystical powers of human energy through William Blake’s mind and the depletion of the countryside through William Wordsworth’s. We’ll read the enervation of rural life against the vitality of the steam engine to ask how this transformative technology is illuminated by industrial poetry and J.M.W. Turner’s late painterly style. The depletion of natural resources, consumption of commodities, and fatigue of laborers are motifs the class will explore variously through poets, philosophers, and artists, all of whom used their works to aestheticize structures of economy, science, gender, and race. Drawing on terms like the sublime and the picturesque, we’ll articulate exhaustion through eighteenth-century aesthetic philosophy and use it to hone our ideas and critical writing about the course.
ENGL 341 / EVST 409 / HUMS 377 / LITR 404 (12340)
Nature Poetry, from the Classics to Climate Crisis
Jonathan Kramnick
Day/Time TBA
Areas HU, WR
Poetry of the natural world, beginning with classical pastoral and ending with lyric responses to climate change. We consider how poetry attempts to make sense of our interaction with the earth at important moments of change, from pre-industrial agriculture to global capitalism and the Anthropocene.
ENGL 421 (12522) 
Nonfiction Writing: Writing about Architecture
Christopher Hawthorne
TTh 11:35am-12:50pm
Areas HU
A seminar and workshop in the craft of nonfiction writing as pertains to a given subcategory or genre. Each section focuses on a different form of nonfiction writing and explores its distinctive features through a variety of written and oral assignments. Students read key texts as models and analyze their compositional strategies. They then practice the fundamentals of nonfiction in writing and revising their own essays. Section topics, which change yearly, are listed at the beginning of each term on the English department website. This course may be repeated for credit in a section that treats a different genre or style of writing; ENGL 121 and ENGL 421 may not be taken for credit on the same topic.
EVST 109 / HIST 109 (10356)
Climate & Environment in American History: From Columbian Exchange to Closing of the Frontier
Mark Peterson
MW 1:00-2:15pm
Areas HU
This lecture course explores the crucial role that climate and environmental conditions have played in American history from the period of European colonization to the end of the 19th century. Its focus is on the dramatic changes brought about by the encounters among Indigenous, European, and African peoples in this period, the influence of climate and climate change on these encounters, and the environmental transformations brought about by European colonization and conquest and the creation of new economies and polities (including chattel slavery). The lectures offer a new framework for organizing and periodizing North American history, based on geographical and environmental conditions rather than traditional national and political frameworks. The course provides a historical foundation for understanding contemporary American (and global) climate and environmental issues.
EVST 228 / HIST 459 / HUMS 228 / LITR 345 (11212)
Climate Change and the Humanities
Katja Lindskog
MW 11:35am-12:50pm
Areas HU
A survey of literary, political, historical, and religious texts to better understand how individuals both depend on, and struggle against, the natural environment in order to survive.
EVST 232 / SPAN 232 (11343)
Ecological Mindfulness: Poetics and Praxis in the Spanish-Speaking World 
Sarah Glenski
MW 2:30-3:45pm
Areas HU
A study of various works in the Spanish language to What is our relationship with nature? What constitutes ecological mindfulness? Does the practice of ecological mindfulness constitute a poetics? Is art a form of ecological mindfulness? These are some of the questions that we consider as we examine the concept of ecological mindfulness as an intersection of poetics and praxis. Throughout the semester, we explore a wide array of artistic expressions (essays, short stories, sound, poetry, photography, painting, etc.), which allows us to both appreciate and interrogate the many ways in which interactions with nature are depicted and performed in different Hispanophone cultures. Our analysis of these texts is complemented by carrying out and reflecting upon our own practice of ecological mindfulness. This course is taught in Spanish.
EVST 266 / SPAN 365 / HUMS 452 / LAST 350 (12397)
Ecologies of Culture: Latin American Environmental Aesthetics
Sebastian Acosta
TTh 11:35am-12:50pm
Areas HU, LA
In the age of rising sea levels, mass extinction, and carbon-driven climate change, can culture and the arts remain unchanged? This course focuses on the intersections between aesthetics and ecological practices in the context of the Anthropocene, a proposed geological epoch wherein humans have become a major geological force shaping the planet. It challenges traditional approaches by examining how culture and the arts can help to understand and respond to environmental crises. Discussions and readings emphasize the role of culture and aesthetics as agents and producers of environmental knowledge, highlighting their potential to challenge socio-ecological relations. Throughout the semester, students explore various themes, including colonialism, anthropocentrism, human-animal relations, fossil capitalism, indigenous ontologies, and the impact of extractive industries on territories and bodies in Latin America, the Caribbean, and the Latinx world. Students engage with works by established and emerging artists, aiming to produce ecocritical knowledge about the current climate and environmental crisis. The course also offers a panoramic view of Latin American culture by examining some key historical events and authors whose works can shed light on cultural and ideological processes at the root of climate change. By the end of the semester, students can formulate research questions that are critical to the field of Latin American environmental humanities, as well as produce papers that are relevant to a broader debate about culture and ecology. Lastly, the course hopes to motivate students—beyond the classroom—to examine their place in an increasingly warming world. Taught in Spanish.
EVST 350 (11889)
Writing the World
Verlyn Klinkenborg 
T 2:30pm-5:20pm
Areas WR
This is a practical writing course meant to develop the student’s skills as a writer. But its real subject is perception and the writer’s authority—the relationship between what you notice in the world around you and what, culturally speaking, you are allowed to notice. What you write during the term is driven entirely by your own interest and attention. How you write is the question at hand. We explore the overlapping habitats of language—present and past—and the natural environment. And, to a lesser extent, we explore the character of persuasion in environmental themes. Every member of the class writes every week, and we all read what everyone writes every week. It makes no difference whether you are a would-be journalist, scientist, environmental advocate, or policy maker. The goal is to rework your writing and sharpen your perceptions, both sensory and intellectual. Enrollment limited to fifteen.
ER&M 297 / AMST 371 (11890)
Food, Race, and Migration in United States Society
Quan Tran
T 9:25am-11:15am
Areas SO
Exploration of the relationship between food, race, and migration in historical and contemporary United States contexts. Organized thematically and anchored in selected case studies, this course is comparative in scope and draws from contemporary work in the fields of food studies, ethnic studies, migration studies, American studies, anthropology, and history.  
ER&M 339 / ENGL 396 / AMST 416 (12376)
Region, Indigeneity, and American Literary Realism
Lloyd Kevin Sy
Day/Time TBA
Areas HU
A study of American literature between roughly 1865 and 1930, with a focus on the themes of place and race, especially how authors handle the theme of being authentically American. An outsized focus is placed on the often neglected works of Indigenous American writers. Potential readings: Zitkala-Sa, Sarah Winnemucca, Susette La Flesche, Mourning Dove, Twain, James, Charles Chesnutt, Hurston, Cather, Dunbar, Wharton, Sherwood Anderson, Jewett, Sui Sin Far. May satisfy the 18th/19th century or 20th/21st century literature requirement for English majors with permission from the instructor and the DUS.
FILM 344 / GMAN 344 (12410)
Landscape, Film, Architecture
Fatima Naqvi
T 6-8pm; Th 9:25am-11:15am
Areas HU
Movement through post-1945 landscapes and cityscapes as a key to understanding them. The use of cameras and other visual-verbal means as a way to expand historical, aesthetic, and sociological inquiries into how these places are inhabited and experienced. Exploration of both real and imaginary spaces in works by filmmakers (Wenders, Herzog, Ottinger, Geyrhalter, Seidl, Ade, Grisebach), architects and sculptors (e.g. Rudofsky, Neutra, Abraham, Hollein, Pichler, Smithson, Wurm, Kienast), photographers (Sander, B. and H. Becher, Gursky, Höfer), and writers (Bachmann, Handke, Bernhard, Jelinek). Additional readings by Certeau, Freytag, J.B. Jackson, L. Burckhardt.
HSHM 422 / HIST 467J (10301)
Cartography, Territory, and Identity
Bill Rankin
T 1:30-3:20pm
Areas HU, WR
Exploration of how maps shape assumptions about territory, land, sovereignty, and identity. The relationship between scientific cartography and conquest, the geography of statecraft, religious cartographies, encounters between Western and non-Western cultures, and reactions to cartographic objectivity. Students make their own maps. No previous experience in cartography or graphic design required.
HSHM 464 / HUMS 382 (11980)
Nature and Human Nature
Gary Tomlinson
W 3:30pm-5:20pm
Areas HU, SC
This course explores the Western conception of the human place in the natural world as it has shifted across four centuries. It features, alongside corollary readings, close study of three classic texts: Galileo’s Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems (1632), Giambattista Vico’s New Science (1744), and Darwin’s Origin of Species (1859)―fundamental texts locating humans in the cosmos, in society, and in natural history, respectively. It finishes with a new work, Terrence Deacon’s Incomplete Nature (2011), an attempt to explain the emergence of mind from the natural world. No prerequisites, though the challenging nature of the materials suggests that this course will be aimed mainly at students beyond their first year.
HIST 071 (11296)
Nighttime: The Night in History
Maria Jordan
TTh 1-2:15pm
Areas HU, WR
The alterations of day and night created dissimilar imaginaries for these phenomena, day symbolized activity and good, while the night was associated with passivity, evil, and even the dangerous and the horrific. In this seminar, we challenge these static and opposite notions by presenting a more complex, dynamic, and complete view of the night in different moments in history. We approach questions such as how the experience of the night changed, how religious paradigms altered, changes in the lighting technologies, how political and economic forces modified notions, the uses an the experience of the night by different groups, taking into consideration the disparities between rural and pre- and industrial era cities. We also examine the roots of the prejudices toward darkness, explore the reasons of why we fear the night, and examine the process  of criminalization, commercialization and even politicization of nocturnal spaces. Nights also offer times for pleasure, transgression and freedom that open the possibility for expressing dissent and opposition to the prevailing  standards. In this matter we include themes of gender, sexuality, slavery, students movements, and contemporary street revolts.
HIST 149J (10331)
A History of the Border Wall: From the Frontier to the Border Wall in US History
Greg Grandin
W 1:30-3:20pm
Areas HU
Ever since the US’s founding, the idea of an open and ever-expanding frontier has been central to United States identity. Symbolizing a future of endless promise, the frontier made possible the United States’ belief in itself as an exceptional nation—democratic, individualistic, forward-looking. Today, the country has a new symbol: the border wall. This course focuses on both the current crisis at the U.S.-Mexican border, which has consumed the country’s attention and challenged its public morality and national identity, and the long history that has led to the crisis. After an introductory period focused mostly on the history of the U.S. border (with indigenous peoples, Spain, and Mexico), we alternate between issues pertaining to the current moment and the larger historical context. We read about and discuss events of the moment, related to the immediate causes of migration, the rise of nativism in the U.S., along with calls for building a border wall, family separation and child detention policies, and the activity of the Border Patrol and the Immigration and Customs Enforcement Agency, as we continue to set the current crisis in historical context. 
HIST 214J (11300)
History of the Night
Maria Jordan
T 9:25am-11:15am
Areas HU, WR
This seminar is dedicated to the reality and the perception of the night across time and in different cultures. We explore how religious and philosophical beliefs, political and economic forces, changes in technologies of lighting, human biology, and the shift from rural to urban and agrarian to industrial societies affected attitudes toward time in general and the night in particular. These changes influenced the perceptions, uses, and the ways different groups experienced nocturnal time, and how we act, sleep, work, interact, and even dream. The traditional binary view of day and night is questioned by presenting a more complex “and dynamic face” of the night. Nightfall provides multiple opportunities for dissent and rebellion and becomes an ideal space for marginal and subordinate people. Historical analysis, literary texts, medical and scientific writings, and primary sources provide the class with a cross-disciplinary approach to examine how the night became the abode of the ghost, the devil, the witch, and the dead, and how the night became criminalized, commercialized and even politicized. In our time, improvements in lighting changed the nocturnal world, but also had detrimental effects on sleep and dreams, and caused contemporary movements–aesthetic and scientific–to “rescue” the night.
HSAR 286 / ARCH 302 (11689)
Renaissance Architecture: A Global History
Morgan Ng
TTh 10:30am-11:20am
Areas HU
The period known as the Renaissance (1400–1600) witnessed the rise and spread of ambitious new forms of architecture. During this era, builders pushed an earlier tradition of gothic design toward unprecedented heights of structural daring and ornamental expression. At the same time, they found inspiration in ancient pagan and non-European monuments, which offered alternative models of technical virtuosity, material splendor, and magnificence. Engineers invented fortifications of colossal scale to combat powerful gunpowder weapons, while new media such as print transmitted architectural designs across the globe. This course explores such developments across Europe and its cultural and colonial networks in Asia, Africa, and Latin America. It surveys a wide range of Renaissance building types, from palaces and gardens to churches, civic buildings, and urban infrastructure. Lectures consider how buildings and cities were reshaped by urban elites, absolutist monarchs, religious warfare, paper and print, and global expansion. Along the way, the course equips students with critical visual-technical skills and language to describe and interpret the built environment. Majors and non-majors of all years are welcome. Graduate students may register with advanced coursework.
HSAR 354 / RSEE 309 / RUSS 309 (12484)
Art and the Arctic
Molly Brunson
MW 1pm-2:15pm
Areas HU
This seminar asks how the arctic took shape as an aesthetically contested ground in the visual art, literature, material culture, and popular media of the nineteenth century. How did national styles make claims on a stateless landscape? In what ways was the circumpolar region gendered and racialized? And how did these questions shape the emergence of a northern modernism too often neglected in histories of art? Questions of whiteness, exploration, and exploitation will be considered in the works of Russian, Nordic, and Sami artists from the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. 
HSAR 457 (10430)
Japanese Gardens
Mimi Yiengpruksawan
W 1:30-3:20pm
Areas HU
Arts and theory of the Japanese garden with emphasis on the role of the anthropogenic landscape from aesthetics to environmental precarity, including the concept of refugium. Case studies of influential Kyoto gardens from the 11th through 15th centuries, and their significance as cultural productions with ecological implications.
HSAR 476
Energy Cultures of Modern Architecture
Craig Buckley
W 9:25am-11:15am
Areas HU
It is estimated that the construction and operation of buildings accounts for nearly 40% of carbon emissions globally. If a radical decarbonization of architectural practice stands as the discipline’s central challenge today, this calls not only for new solutions, but for different engagement with architecture’s history. This discussion seminar reinterprets histories of modern architecture through the concept of “energy cultures.” An energy culture (Sheller, 2014; Szeemann and Diamanti, 2019) can be defined as the specific assemblage of fuel, matter, practice, labor, and meaning that have informed architecture’s conceptualization and construction. In contrast to approaches that stress quantitative, technical, and instrumental approaches to energy accounting and energy efficiency, this course looks at how different representations, concepts, and behaviors emerged in response to historic shifts in energy production and consumption. The first portion of the course surveys a range of historical approaches to concepts of energy and environmental justice within and adjacent to architecture. The bulk of the course then turns to case studies, examining particular buildings and projects in order to develop new interpretations and questions about these monuments based on an energy cultures approach.
HUMS 300 (11774)
Environmental Digital Humanities
Sayan Bhattacharyya
TTh 9:00am-10:15am
Areas HU
The course seeks to help students develop an integrated understanding of environmental and ecological issues from the point of view of the digital humanities, where the humanities are broadly understood (incorporating literature, the arts, philosophy, and cultural studies) in conjunction with digital technologies. Thus, the course exposes students to an understanding of how two increasingly important issues in the modern world — digital technology and environmental concerns — intersect.
HUMS 326 (11981)
Cultural Studies beyond Earth
Gary Tomlinson
W 1:30pm-3:20pm
Areas HU
This course is a thought experiment conducted with theory and data drawn from astro- or exobiology, evolutionary science, ethology, and cultural and semiotic theory. Scientists interested in life on other planets understand the need to start their inquiries from the only example of life we know, on earth. They work to extrapolate, from earthly biology, the principles of a universal biology: conditions that must hold anywhere life has arisen. Can we form a universal cultural study, extending their extrapolation toward conditions that enable culture wherever it might arise? We begin with an overview of universal biology, then examine cultures of humans and other animals on earth, and finally approach theoretically the foundations on which they arise, including semiotic theory and questions concerning communication and technics.
MUSI 032 (10546)
Music, Sound, and the Environment
Giulia Accornero
TTh 11:35am-12:50pm
Areas HU, WR
The word “environment” derives from the French word environ (around): it refers to what is all around us. In this class we examine the roles that music, sound, and their associated vocabularies have long played in negotiating the perception and meaning of what constitutes our environment. We dig into history to learn how the Muslim philosopher al-Kindī conceived of the connection between winds, elements, and the strings of the oud more than a thousand years ago; how across the centuries, people have construed a range of musical genres in connection to the problematic ideology of climatic determinism; and how today, composers give voice to the microscopic. As we proceed, we ask: what is (and could be) the role of music and sound in shaping the environment today? By the end of the class, we recognize and assess the ways in which music and sound have inflected and continue to inflect our perception of the environment. Enrollment limited to first-year students. 
PLSC 212 / P&E 390 / EVST 212 (11894)
Democracy and Sustainability
Michael Fotos
Th 9:25am-11:15am
Areas SO, WR
Democracy, liberty, and the sustainable use of natural resources. Concepts include institutional analysis, democratic consent, property rights, market failure, and common pool resources. Topics of policy substance are related to human use of the environment and to U.S. and global political institutions.
PLSC 215 / EVST 255 (12534)
Environmental Law and Politics
John Wargo
T 1:30pm-3:20pm
Areas SO
We explore relations among environmental quality, health, and law. We consider global-scale avoidable challenges such as: environmentally related human illness, climate instability, water depletion and contamination, food and agriculture, air pollution, energy, packaging, culinary globalization, and biodiversity loss. We evaluate the effectiveness of laws and regulations intended to reduce or prevent environmental and health damages. Additional laws considered include rights of secrecy, property, speech, worker protection, and freedom from discrimination. Comparisons among the US and  EU legal standards and precautionary policies will also be examined.  Ethical concerns of justice, equity, and transparency are prominent themes. 
SOCY 275 (11108)
Climate Privilege: A Sophomore Seminar
Rene Almeling
W 3:30pm-5:20pm
Areas SO
Sophomore discussion seminar designed to review basic information about climate warming and learn about the emergence of environmental justice. Interdisciplinary readings on privilege, complicity, and complacency will help develop a more systematic understanding of “climate privilege” and how it contributes to forestalling the changes needed to reduce climate warming.
THST 411 (13968)
Special Topics in Performance Studies: Eco Somatics
Elise Morrison
M 1:30–3:20pm
This course accompanies the themed speaker series for the Performance Studies Working Group, a weekly meeting convened by faculty in Theater and Performance Studies and the Drama School’s Dramaturgy and Dramatic Criticism program. For Fall 2024, the theme is “Eco Somatics.” This concept invites inquiry into embodied relationships and somatic registers of communication with environments around us. Pairing the work of Bessel Van der Kolk and other pioneers of somatic therapy with ecological activism and science, the course will trace shifts in contemporary discourse and practice towards the “soma” (the Greek concept that distinguishes the body from the mind) and consider how they indicates a growing need to include somatic engagements with environmental and interspecies partnerships in our cultural decisions and performance making. With a range of invited speakers sharing recent work on this theme – including partners of Arakawa and Gins “Reversible Destiny” architecture; disability and performance scholar Petra Kuppers on “Eco Soma,” and ornithologist Richard Prum on performativity in biological natural selection – we will consider how embodied processes of evolution, healing, and creativity partner with the earth itself as the largest body we as a species interact with on a daily basis. Students enrolled for credit complete weekly readings based on that week’s scholarship. They write weekly written responses and a final paper, which they present at the final PSWG meetings.
URBN 360 (12421)
Urban Lab: An Urban World
Joyce Hsiang
W 1:30-3:20pm
Areas HU
Understanding the urban environment through methods of research, spatial analysis, and diverse means of representation that address historical, social, political, and environmental issues that consider design at the scale of the entire world. Through timelines, maps, diagrams, collages and film, students frame a unique spatial problem and speculate on urbanization at the global scale. Prerequisites: For non-majors: permission of the instructor is required. For ARCH majors: ARCH 150, 200, and 280.