Susanne Wengle (University of Notre Dame), “Technopolitics and the Human-Nature Nexus in Contemporary Russian Agriculture” (Yale Agrarian Studies)

Event time: 
Friday, February 26, 2021 - 11:00am to 1:00pm
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Event description: 

I am an associate professor at the University of Notre Dame, with a Ph.D. from the from University of California Berkeley. Before joining Notre Dame’s faculty, I conducted research and taught at the University of Chicago. My main research interests concern the politics of markets regulations; my past research examines how particular regulations function and how they evolve, hence what “politics” make them possible, but also how their effects change the political conditions in which they were formulated. My book Post-Soviet Power: State-led Development and Russia’s Marketization (2015, Cambridge University Press) examines the political economy of newly created electricity markets in Russia, and more generally engages with questions how we study markets in the post-Soviet context and beyond. I have also done research and published on other aspects of the post-Soviet transformations - on welfare reforms and the politics of expertise. The empirical focus of my current project is agriculture and food production in Russia and the US; the aim is to understand how regulatory regimes shape food systems. My research has been published in Governance, Governance & Regulation, Studies in Comparative International Development, Economy and Society, Europe-Asia Studies and two further articles are forthcoming in Slavic Review and in Post-Soviet Affairs. I recently contributed to the Washington Post’s Monkey Cage blog. I have four amazing kids with boundless energy and creativity who keep me busy when I happen to not be thinking about post-Soviet politics.