
Jean Thomson Black's picture Jean Thomson Black
Senior Executive Editor, Yale Press

Responsible for the publishing program at Yale University Press that includes the environmental history and environmental studies lists.

Mark Bomford's picture Mark Bomford
Director Yale Sustainable Food Program

Food and Agricultural Systems; Agroecology; Complexity Sciences; Soil Science; Science and Technology Studies; Political Ecology; Rural Sociology; Geographies of Food...

Ryan Darr's picture Ryan Darr
Postdoctoral Associate in Religion, Ecology and Expressive Culture, Yale Institute of Sacred Music

Religious ethics, environmental ethics, extinction, ecocriticism

John Grim's picture John Grim
Affiliated Faculty, Yale Center for Environmental Justice; co-director, Yale Forum on Religion and Ecology

Religion and ecology; Indigenous lifeways; Forum on Religion and Ecology at Yale; World Religions and Ecology

Viveca Morris's picture Viveca Morris
Executive Director, Law, Ethics & Animals Program at Yale Law School

Animal and environmental protection, agriculture, climate change, corporate accountability

Aseel Najib's picture Aseel Najib
Postdoctoral Fellow, Abdallah S. Kamel Center for the Study of Islamic Law and Civilization at Yale Law School

Land, Islamic law, Taxation, Empire, Conquest

Mary Evelyn Tucker's picture Mary Evelyn Tucker
Affiliated Faculty, Yale Center for Environmental Justice; co-director, Yale Forum on Religion and Ecology

Religion and ecology; Asian religions; Confucianism; Environmental Humanities

Courtney Wittekind's picture Courtney Wittekind
Postdoctoral Associate, Program in Agrarian Studies

Urbanization, agrarian change, temporality, speculation