Tanya Denise Fields (Black Feminist Project, Mama Tanya’s Kitchen), “Growing a Movement in Food and Reproductive Justice” (Pierson College Tea)

Event time: 
Thursday, February 18, 2021 - 4:00pm to 5:00pm
Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android: https://yale.zoom.us/j/94129694735 See map
Event description: 
 Join a conversation with Tanya Denise Fields, Executive Director of the Black Feminist Project and Founder of Mama Tanya’s Kitchen and the Yale Office of Sustainability as they discuss the intersections of race, class, gender, and food.
For over a decade, Tanya Denise Fields has cultivated The Black Feminist Project as a space for Black Womxn, girls, and non-men/boys (often referred to as marginalized genders or MaGes) to find agency, health, and justice in the Bronx. At the crossroads of radical joy and resistance, the non-profit organizes a broad range of programming from urban farming through the Black Joy Farm, direct services, and political education. By engaging with issues of race, gender, class, health, etc. The Black Feminist Project looks to empower and mobilize MaGes into social change and justice.