Human activity imperils biodiversity all over the world, by slicing up forests, paving grassland, spraying pesticides, generating mounds of roadkill, and raising the planet’s temperature. How can the law defend against this onslaught? In her new book, Wildlife as Property Owners, law professor Karen Bradshaw examines a legal tenet that enables this resource exploitation: the doctrine of exclusively human land rights. In this talk, moderated by LEAP Faculty Co-director Douglas Kysar, Bradshaw will lay out how revising anthropocentric ideas about who can own land would fuel an advance in protecting non-human species, their ecosystems, and the planet.
This event is presented as part of the Law, Ethics & Animals Program’s One Health Speaker Series, and it is co-sponsored by the Yale Sustainable Food Program, the Environmental Protection Clinic at Yale Law School, the Yale Environmental Law Association, and the Yale Animal Law Society.