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Laura Barraclough's picture Laura Barraclough
Sarai K. Ribicoff Associate Professor of American Studies

History, culture, and geography of the urban U.S. West.

Michelle Bell's picture Michelle Bell
Mary E. Pinchot Professor of Forestry and Environmental Studies and Professor of Environmental Health

Environmental health; air pollution; climate change; environmental ethics.

Paola Bertucci's picture Paola Bertucci
Associate Professor of History and in the History of Medicine

Science and medicine in the age of Enlightenment; the material culture of science; science and secrecy

Ned Blackhawk's picture Ned Blackhawk
Professor of History and of American Studies

Native American history & Native American law

Malina Buturovic's picture Malina Buturovic
Postdoctoral Associate, Department of Classics

Graeco-Roman medicine, history of the body, heredity, Galen, embryology, physiognomy