2019-2020 Dissertations in the Environmental Humanities

June 4, 2020

We are excited to feature several dissertations filed  this academic year that  engage  with  Environmental Humanities. Please join us in celebrating this year’s graduates, and  in wishing them well in their future endeavors! 

Yuan Chen (History) — “China’s Song Dynasty’s Capital of Kaifeng and Its Hinterlands: An Environmental History, 960-1127 “ 

Camille Cole (History) — “Empire on Edge:  Land, Law, and Capital in Gilded Age Basra”  (Camille received a prize in the Department  of History for her disseration.)

Ashley James (English) — “ ‘Moist, Fleshy, Pulsating Surfaces’: Seeing and Reading Black Life after Experientiality”

Keri Lambert (History) — “Elastic Allegiances:  Rubber, Development, and the Production of Sovereignties in Ghana, 1880-2017” (Keri received a prize in the Department  of History for her disseration.)

Adrián Lerner Patrón (History) — “Jungle Cities: The Urbanization of Amazonia” 

Carlos Nugent  (English)  — “Imagined Environments: Mediating Race and Nature in the U.S.-Mexico Borderlands” (Carlos received a prize in the Department  of English for her disseration.)

Ashanti Shih (History) — “Invasive Ecologies:  Science and Settler Colonialism in Twentieth-Century Hawai’i” (Ashanti was awarded the Rachel Carson prize for best dissertation by the American Society for Environmental History. She also received a prize from the Department of History for her dissertation.)