May 21, 2024
Kevin Yang and Fany Kuzmova’s 2023–24 Environmental Humanities grant project, “New Haven, Revisited,” received a write up in the New Haven Arts Paper by journalist Lucy Gellman:
High schooler Treazure Alexander looks to the side, her arms pulled back behind her head. Gold hoops dangle from her ears, low enough that they brush a goldenrod-hued sweatshirt. On the shelf behind her, pez-colored bags of potato chips and popcorn glow in the bright, artificial light. She is completely statuesque, frozen in time.
In another universe, this might be a gallery in the Louvre or Victoria & Albert, reserved for Greco-Roman sculptures. But this is The Marketa on Temple Street, more Jamel Shabazz than a stuffy hall of marble and stone…
Public Humanities Grant