Event time:
Thursday, November 9, 2023 - 12:00pm
HQ 134
320 York Street
Event description:
Join us for for an exciting conversation over lunch with Professor Pauline LeVen (Professor of Classics and (by courtesy) of Music, at Yale University) on her current book project, entitled Reading Greek Poetry in the Anthropocene in which she investigates the kind of claims that lyric poetry (from archaic song to imperial epigrams) makes about experiences of the non-human world (in particular about rocks, water, trees, and light). In a previous book, Music and Metamorphosis in Greco-Roman Thought (Cambridge University Press, 2021), Professor LeVen considered Imperial Greek and Roman narratives devoted to the music of human-turned-non-human animals and natural phenomena (birds, winds, frogs, echoes, insects, marsh-reeds…)