August 1, 2024
Kevin Yang and Fany Kuzmova’s 2023–24 Environmental Humanities grant project, “New Haven, Revisited,” received a write up in the New Haven Independent by Brian Slattery:
Even though the signs are in sync with one another, not offering contradictory information, the photograph conveys a sense of disorientation. You have to read them twice, maybe, to see that they line up. The inclusion of the house matters, too; it gives the disorientation context. What does it mean for the people who live on that block, that multiple signs tell people unfamiliar with the street layout that they’re not supposed to go there? What does it mean that there’s only one way off the block for the residents, a sense of limited options? Who made these decisions in the first place?
The picture is unsigned, but it was shot by one of 17 students from Cooperative Arts and Humanities High School and High School in the Community for “New Haven Revisited,” a photography show running through July 31 in the gallery on the lower level of the Ives Branch of the New Haven Free Public Library.
Public Humanities Grant