November 6, 2024
In recognition of their pioneering work in fostering inclusivity and equity in the environmental movement, Yale School of the Environment Professors Dorceta Taylor ’85 MFS, ’91 PhD, and Gerald Torres were honored with the first endowed chairs in environmental justice. Taylor was named the Wangari Maathai Professor of Environmental Justice, while Torres was named the Dolores Huerta and Wilma Mankiller Professor of Environmental Justice.
Taylor and Torres, internationally renowned scholars, have been central to YSE’s ongoing efforts in building a world-class environmental justice program and incorporating it across all disciplines.
“While climate change affects all of us, it doesn’t impact all of us equally. To be effective, climate research policies and ultimately climate solutions must be equitable. Solutions and policies need to be developed, evaluated, and then implemented by those who have an understanding of environmental justice issues,” Dean Indy Burke said. “Their teaching has formed the foundation of our environmental justice curricula and has helped draw talented students from across the U.S. and internationally who are eager to learn from them.”