Event time:
Monday, October 21, 2024 - 1:30pm
Online via Zoom
Event description:
Monday, October 21
Online via Zoom: https://yale.zoom.us/j/97161176225
We have behaved like ordinary cells for too long, pretending there is no movement from the inside to the outside or vice versa. We have believed, for too long, that our minds belong to us as individuals. But advances in everything from forest ecology to microbiology show us we are not siloed selves, but relational networks, built metabolically by our every biome-laced breath, thinking through filamentous connectivity rather than inside one neatly bounded mind. What does it mean to distribute our ideas of cognition, individual health, storytelling, and intuition out into webs of relationship that include pollution, microplastic, old growth forests, and mycorrhizal fungi? What is there are futures only visible from the spaces “between” minds and species and belief systems?
Sophie Strand is a poet and writer with a focus on the intersection of spirituality, storytelling, and ecology. Her poems and essays have appeared in numerous projects and publications, including Spirituality & Health, Atmos, Braided Way, and Art PAPERS. She is the author of The Flowering Wand,The Madonna Secret, and the forthcoming memoir The Body Is a Doorway as well as the creator of the popular Substack “Make Me Good Soil.” She lives in the Hudson Valley of New York. You can follow her work on Instagram @cosmogyny.