Event time:
Tuesday, April 26, 2022 - 2:00pm
Online via Zoom
Event description:
The Forest School at the Yale School of the Environment, Orion Magazine and the Yale Forum on Religion and Ecology present the third event in a series to celebrate Orion’s latest anthology, “Old Growth.” “The Language of Trees” will feature a conversation between Alison Hawthorne Deming, author of “Zoologies: On Animals and the Human Spirit,” and Kathleen Dean Moore, author of “Earth’s Wild Music: Celebrating and Defending the Songs of the Natural World.”
“The Language of Trees” will be held virtually on Tuesday, April 26, 2022 at 2:00 pm ET. It will also be recorded and captioned for later viewing.
Click here to register.
The event will foster a dialogue around the language of trees: how they communicate with one another, and how their futures are shaped by the language with which humans describe them. Moderating the event is Mary Evelyn Tucker, co-author of “Journey of the Universe”, co-founder and co-director of Yale’s Forum on Religion and Ecology, and lecturer at the Yale School of the Environment and Yale Divinity School.
“The Language of Trees” is organized by Orion Magazine, The Forest School at the Yale School of the Environment, Yale Forest Forum, Yale Forum on Religion and Ecology, and Yale Environmental Humanities
Free but register in advance
Open to:
General Public