Join the Yale Undergraduate Feminist Science and Technology Studies Collective for an event sponsored by Yale Environmental Humanities. Kelsey Henry is an American Studies PhD candidate at Yale University. Her work sits at the nexus of critical black studies, histories of science and medicine, science and technology studies, and disability studies. Kelsey’s work follows the legacies of nineteenth-century scientific metrics of human development and racial difference, metrics forged in the crucible of racial slavery, in histories of twentieth-century developmental science and biomedicine. She historicizes the production of developmental technologies and norms that are often perceived as race-neutral, like pediatric growth charts and developmental screening tests, interrogating the racial premises and parameters of developmental knowledge production and its material effects on black life. Kelsey is actively engaged in disability studies programming and disability justice initiatives at Yale and beyond, as a co-organizer of Yale’s Disability Studies Working Group, the Assistant Editor of Disability Studies Quarterly, and a resident podcaster for the Disability History Association.