Ian Dungavell (Friends of Highgate Cemetery Trust), “Seven Things You Probably Didn’t Know About English Cemeteries” (Beinecke Rare Book & Manuscript Library)

Event time: 
Sunday, November 6, 2022 - 4:00pm
Online via Zoom See map
Event description: 
A talk by Dr Ian Dungavell, Chief Executive of the Friends of Highgate Cemetery Trust, in conjunction with the quasquibicentennial of the Grove Street Cemetery in New Haven.
Zoom webinar registration: https://bit.ly/3EuBwtQ
English garden cemeteries have a lot in common with those of the nineteenth-century rural cemetery movement in America. The story of beautifully laid-out grounds ornamented with trees, shrubs and flowers providing a garden of rest distinct from the overcrowded and unsanitary urban graveyard can be told equally of both countries. But, delving a little deeper into the first two decades of cemetery establishment in England, and taking in Manchester, Liverpool, Sheffield, Norwich and London, this lecture will show that the tranquil sepulchral garden was not as quiet as it seemed. Nor is it quiet now: how can we make them sustainable for today?
Talk sponsored by the Friends of the Grove Street Cemetery; cosponsored as Zoom webinar by Beinecke Library.
Free but register in advance
Open to: 
General Public