Environmental Humanities Working Group

Event time: 
Tuesday, October 6, 2020 - 6:00pm
Event description: 
As we continue to navigate the rapidly changing natural and built environments we inhabit, and their
intersections and interrelations with human communities, we turn to the humanities to interpret
these shifting landscapes. Humanities scholars have an opportunity to reshape how we think about
environmental problems and “the environment” itself. In order to foster this work, Literature, Arts and the Environment (LAE) Colloquium and the Yale Environmental Humanities Program are sponsoring an Environmental Humanities Working Group. This working group hopes to provide an interdisciplinary space in which graduate students and faculty may discuss works-in-progress that engage with environmental questions and themes.
This session will feature a work-in-progress by Phoenix Gonzalez (Yale Institute of Sacred Music), titled “Ecological Containment in the Chester, York, and WakefieldNoah Pageants.” Please email abigail.fields@yale.edu to be on the EH working group mailing list and to receive Zoom links for our meetings.