Event time:
Thursday, April 22, 2021 - 4:30pm
Online via Zoom
Event description:
The William F. Buckley, Jr. Program at Yale University will host a Firing Line Debate featuring Matthew McKinzie and Michael Shellenberger:
“A U.S. Nuclear Renaissance is Needed and Affordable.”
Thursday, April 22nd at 4:30pm. Register here.
Michael Shellenberger is the Founder and President of Environmental Progress. He is a journalist, climate activist, and author. He most recently authored the best-selling Apocalypse Never.
Matthew McKinzie directs planning and operations for the National Resources Defense Council’s climate and clean energy advocacy in the United States. Since joining NRDC in 1997, he has worked on nuclear policy and the environment and applying geospatial analysis to NRDC’s mission.
Free but register in advance
Open to:
General Public