“The City Panel: Mental Health and the Right to the City” Panel (The Yale Mental Health Symposium)

Event time: 
Thursday, September 24, 2020 - 6:30pm
https://www.theyalementalhealthsymposium.com/register See map
Event description: 

The spatial inequities embedded within cities have cascading effects on an individual’s access to mental health care. Racist urban malpractices such as redlining and housing discrimination are examples of generational exclusion and denial of opportunity to individuals based on race. These practices have lasting effects on the economic, social, and health disparities across discriminated communities. As practitioners that co-create urban environments, we must understand how our work maps onto the city’s physical and social geographies and reassert the link between urban space and improved mental health. The City Panel will discuss urban infrastructure, the criminalization of poverty, transportation, and food inequity, unveiling the deeply embedded systems of injustice that contribute to unequal access to mental well-being across racial lines.

Bryan Lee, Architect

Molly Kaufman, Community Organizer/journalist

Nupur Chaudhury, Urbanist, New York State Health Foundation

Justin Garrett Moore, Moderator